Using graceful degradation
General tip for getting around: On www.rejseplanen.dk you can type any from and to address and it will show you all buses and train times that will take you there in all of Denmark. At www.dsb.dk you can buy train tickets too - it's the same site but it will only show you trains. Usually the train ticket includes a number of zones of bus transport, as long as it is part of your journy - show the bus driver your train ticket before purchasing a bus ticket.
www.findvej.dk has good maps (danish: kort) and route plans (ruteplan) using Google Maps.
You can get decent cheap food in the Netto stores, and a good selection of Organic (and higher quality) in Kvickly and Irma. Organic (økologisk) food is labled . Small kiosks, which are open at most times, have usually very high prices and a very poor selection. Seven-elevens are like everywhere in the world but please support the local economy.