
danish/dansk danish/dansk


Valid CSS!

Using graceful degradation - in danish

My first domain from 1998, which contains technical websites and some webservices I have made.

ZIP Stat
When I got I had the option to make my own programs. So I made a webcounter/statistics tool which is still pretty popular and runs on (in danish).

Later I made the program, which is written in PHP, Open  Source and it can be downloaded from (english).

ZIP Free Guestbook

Still located on this is my most successfull website. It's just a plain guest book where people easily can change the layout.

Originally I just made it for myself, but then one day I saw it was really popular. It has enough visitors to pay for the server which I runs all my websites on.
My family domain, which is only used by me right now. TV stands for Tuvalu

Backup start
Is my blog about basic backup problems and solutions.