My first pet was a bird which died from draught. Then I got a male guinniepeg, which gave birth to a baby which it maded with and got tree additional babies. When my mother was tired of all the mating she "gave" them away to a farm and I got a turtle. It did not get enough heat so it thourght it was winter and dug itself into its sand where it died.
When I was seven I got a kitten, who I named Kitten. I got the name from the song about tree little kittens who lost their mittens, which I had learned in the english class. I loved Kitten and my skin was always torn from playing with him. He was a part of the familly, some times the the head of the family untill his 16th year where he became ill. The I got my then prejudice, now fact, about vets: They just puts your pets to sleep for nothing.
My cat was barely examined and no dianose was made. I got no choice and only fifteen minutes to say good bye to my cat for 16 years.