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Facts about Othello cake.

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You must always write Othello cake in capital.

Othello cake is a basic element.

At the same time an Othello cake contains all the vital parts of a healty meal: Fruit, bread, milk products and Othello cake.

When the  Large Hadron Collider smashes atoms to recreate the birth of the universe, what is most hoped to be found: Othello cake.

You cannot cutan Othello cake in pieces. It must be eaten in the pieces it is served.

When the food pyramid (a list of proper diet) was made, it was not done to be the most healty diet but the cheapest to prevent undernutrition. It has now been rebuild to feature the most healty food. It is formed as an Othello cake, it contains the same as an Othello cake and it is an Othello cake.

When you have eaten an Othello cake you are forced to do as it sisters says. Othello cakes always says one thing: "Eat me", because that is what an Othello cake whiches the most.

Chuck Norris diet is only Othello cake.